Within this Blog post I intend to guide you through the same processes which I have found, in a way to help you save time searching the web as I did.
I will only write about the website I use and I have found work, you may find you have your own, if so please leave your suggestions in the comment.
First off, blogging website. I use:
How to create a blog on blogger:
Now you blog is set up you have to write a post. When you have composed a post look to the right hand side (remember this is on blogger) and select labels. Here you will type words which are included within your blog. For example, this blog will contain: Improving, Traffic, Blog, Blogger, Pingomatic, etc. You must remember to leave a comma (,) after each label (word).
Now you've got your blog set up and have a post you can use websites which help to share your blog over Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn (www.twitterfeed.com).
Twitterfeed updates your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn account every 30 minutes to an hours without you having to do it yourself every time you write a blog post.
See the link below on how you can set up a Twitterfeed account. But first I recommend you make your own Facebook page (see below the Twitterfeed video)
Click on the following website like to start creating your Facebook like page. http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php
This is a great way to improve traffic. You basically have to send notifications out to your friends, they accept, follow and like your page and you start to become more popular. The more friends, the more likes, the more traffic you'll get on your Blog.
You may have read information about creating feeds. www.feedburner.com is a Google program that again helps by sending your feed or Blogs to other sources outside of Blogger.
See the video on how to create a feedburner account:
Pingomatic, this website basically sends your recent completed Blog to a host of other Blogging website. You do have to manually submit your blog to all of the individual website listed.
Okay, this is all I know so far. I will continue to update with new information so please subscribe at the top of my page by submitting your email address.
If you have any other information or links please leave a comment, I will check it out and update my Blog.
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