Mystery Shopping, what is it?
Well, basically you are an undercover detective (shopper) for a company. You may have to check the quality of food, neatness of facilities or shelves, how long it takes you to get served and more.
To start with you must sign up to an mystery shopping company, I used Here you get a chance to log in and read exactly what they are about.
Firstly you will have to pick a company and undertake a number of tests which usually consist of a PowerPoint which contains information about the company and what they expect you to do. For example if it was food or a restaurant they'd show you pictures of an ideal meal layout and what the time of food should look and taste like (textures). Once you have completed the PowerPoint you will have a number of questions which you'll need to get a high percentage correct.
Now you have passed the company 'qualification' stage you are able to start mystery shopping. The mystery shopping company will give you a list of days, times and guidelines for you to follow, for example ordering off a set menu.
The more companies you complete the 'qualification' process with the more mystery shopping you will be able to complete.
The roles you may be asked to complete obviously will differ from retailer to retailer. In a phone shop you may be asked to get the latest details on a new contract or mobile phone, here you will monitor how well the person respond to your needs and questions.
If you ever have to purchase an item, like food you will get reimbursed once you have submitted you claims. You will have a set price for completing the task. All of the details regarding prices will be given to you before you've selected your mystery shop.
How much will I get paid?
Well that depends on the task, remember you may not get a substantial amount but you may get a perk such as a free dinner, free fuel and so on.
How do I get paid?
At the end of each day of mystery shopping you will complete and submit a mystery shopping form online (it would be beneficial for you to have paper copies of these, especially if you are going to out to a number of businesses). Along with the form you will take a copy of the receipt and attach this to your submitted (this will prove the amount you will need to be reimbursed).
The money then will either be paid into your account of you will receive a cheque in the post.
Other points to note
Mystery shopping is something that is usually carried out individually, because you have to submit a date, time and other information they are able to check if you were there on your own. Even if you do not give your identity.
YOU ARE UNDERCOVER. Do not inform anybody that you are a mystery shopper. You are there to ensure all customers are getting a quality service.
I have completed a number of mystery shopping days and hours. I found it very useful when I was studying at University. Not only did I get paid and I had the hours I wanted to work tailored around me (because you chose them), I also managed to get some great free food from some decent, reasonably priced restaurants. Perfect for the student life or somebody needing something different.
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